Episcopal Youth Event

EYE17 Praxis Session Resources

August 28, 2017
Episcopal Youth Event

Linked to the titles below are the materials we have received from Praxis Session Leaders at the 2017 Episcopal Youth Event. This list is updated as resources are received.

50 Digital Tools for Ministry 
Sarah Stonesifer
Center for the Ministry of Teaching @ Virginia Theological Seminary

Advocacy: Using Your Voice for Change
Lacy Broemel and Alan Yarborough
The Episcopal Church Office of Governmental Relations

Introduction to Peer Ministry Leadership
Peer Ministry flyer
Dealing with Conflict
Chad Senuta
Episcopal Diocese of Chicago

For All the Saints!
Tim Schenck and Scott Gunn
Forward Movement

The Beecken Center Trainings for Leadership in the Jesus Movement
James Goodman
The Beecken Center of The School of Theology at the University of the South

These Are Our Bodies
Samantha Haycock, University of Arkansas
Caren Miles, Episcopal Diocese of California

Peace Meditation & Movement: Wisdom-Traditions from Asia
The Rev. Fred Vergara, The Episcopal Church

How Youth Led Ministry Leads to Peace: Sacred Circle (ppt file)
Sacred Circle (doc file)
The Rev. Dr. John Palarine, Diocese of Southwest Florida and founder of Youth Presence Ministries

Love God, Love Neighbor: The Episcopal Church Welcomes Refugees
Allison Duvall, Episcopal Migration Ministries
Kendall Martin, Episcopal Migration Ministries

Get to Know Kids4Peace
Father Josh Thomas