Episcopal Youth Event

Applications Now Being Accepted for Adult Mentors for the Episcopal Youth Event 2020 Planning Team

Every three years, in accordance with General Convention Resolution #1982-D079, The Episcopal Church convenes an international youth event so “that the energy of the youth of the Episcopal Church can continue to be utilized in active ministry as members of the Body of Christ.” It is our practice to accept applications from across the church to discern a group of youth and adult mentors to serve as members of the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE20) Planning Team.

We are now currently accepting applications for adult mentors to serve on the Planning Team. Each applicant must also provide a nomination letter from their diocesan bishop. Details are in the following links:

Click here for the application in English.

Click here for the application in Spanish.

Mentors must be a minimum of 25 years of age, a communicant in good standing in an Episcopal faith community, and have demonstrated capacity and skills in ministry with high school-aged youth. Adults who serve on the EYE20 Planning Team must be proven leaders with passion and skill for working in wider church ministry in one or more the following areas: evangelism, diversity, liturgy, music, teaching, spiritual practices, and pastoral care. All expenses for meetings, travel, food, and lodging are covered by the Youth Ministries Office. Selected team members traveling from other countries who need to acquire travel visas will be reimbursed for their expenses.

All applicants must be available to travel on the following dates:

  • April 24-27, 2019                                          
  • October 3-6, 2019
  • January 30 – February 2, 2020                               
  • April 16-19, 2020
  • EYE July 5-11, 2020

The application process will close at 5 pm EST on November 9, 2018. Questions can be directed to eye@episcopalchurch.org regarding the application process.