A Monthly Gathering of Racial Justice Leaders
Calling all diocesan racial justice leaders! On the first Wednesday of each month, racial justice leaders and practitioners from dioceses throughout The Episcopal Church will gather to discuss pressing issues, exchange best practices, and illuminate the diverse ministries making an impact across our church. This monthly gathering will be a sanctuary for ideas, strategies, and […]
Festival Thursdays Webinar: “Revival in Rural America”
Through a collaborative approach to ministry, lay leaders from 14 congregations served by bi-vocational, supply, and full-time clergy in rural Texas have developed a learning community that launched four missional initiatives and three missional communities in the last two years. The approach has also succeeded in small urban congregations and larger metropolitan congregations in Virginia […]
Global Partnerships Monthly Call
The Office of Global Partnerships’ monthly calls will now be on the second Wednesday of each month. As we begin Lent, this month's focus will be “Global Mission in 2024: Looking Toward the Year Ahead.” Register here.
Evangelism Huddle: The Good News of Beloved Community
Join us for this year's Evangelism huddles! Join the Rev. Canon Eric McIntosh for a conversation about building Beloved Community through the lens of Jesus’ declaration in Luke 4 that the Spirit’s anointing was upon him to preach the Good News to the poor. McIntosh, an evangelism mentor serving as priest in charge at St. […]
Come and See with Your Heart: Standing in Solidarity with Sudan and South Sudan
A famous Sudanese proverb says, “The heart sees before the eye.” Join us as we strive to see with our hearts and hear about the suffering of God’s people in Sudan and South Sudan. On Wednesday, February 28, at 11:00 am Eastern, join us as we pray for and learn about what is happening in […]
Church Planting and Redevelopment Second Tuesdays: March 2024
We invite you to join us during our monthly, online connection points. On “Second Tuesdays,” we invite a conversation partner to explore topics related to new ministry, church planting and/or redevelopment. On “Third Thursdays” we host a ProAction Cafe, designed to help leaders clarify their idea and refine action steps. March's Conversation Partner: The Rev. […]
Global Partnerships Monthly Call
The Office of Global Partnerships’ monthly calls will now be on the second Wednesday of each month. We will review the key takeaways and learning from an upcoming event called “Who is My Neighbor: Expanding the Paradigm and Reimagining Outreach in the 21st Century.” Register here.
Festival Thursdays Webinar: “Creating a Third Space: Evangelism with the ‘Nones’ and ‘Dones’”
Evangelism to the "spiritual but not religious," primarily Millennials and Gen Z, requires innovation. Simply an invitation to church won't work. Third Space creation allows the church to partner with the local community to co-create a third space- neither work nor home--that provides for felt needs around us and offers an invitation to sacred community. […]
Evangelism Huddle: Insta-Evangelism: Good News for Social Media
Join us for this year's Evangelism huddles! Register here: coming soon! "Insta-Evangelism: Good News for Social Media" on March 20, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Church Planting and Redevelopment Pro-Action Cafe
March 21: At this Cafe, we’re playing around with the challenge and opportunity of invitation. What does invitation feel like in a church plant, or a redeveloping congregation? What is your community’s motivation for extending invitation? Why are Episcopalians notoriously bad at inviting people to church? What would it take to change that story? We will […]
A Concert for the Good Friday Offering
As The Episcopal Church’s Good Friday Offering prepares to mark 102 years, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites the whole church to an afternoon of sacred music and collective giving to support siblings in Jerusalem and the Middle East. Recorded at Christ and St. Luke’s Church, Norfolk, in the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia, the concert […]
Church Planting and Redevelopment Second Tuesdays: April 2024
We invite you to join us during our monthly, online connection points. On “Second Tuesdays,” we invite a conversation partner to explore topics related to new ministry, church planting and/or redevelopment. On “Third Thursdays” we host a ProAction Cafe, designed to help leaders clarify their idea and refine action steps. April's Conversation Partners: Tom Brackett, Katie […]