Jennifer Allen
Jennifer Allen is a seminarian from the Diocese of Kansas at General Theological Seminary, in her senior year. She completed CPE last summer in Kenya, working at the Agatha Amani House. Her work with survivors of domestic violence has led to an interest in trauma theology and how the church responds to trauma in its liturgies, preaching, and pastoral care. When Jennifer returns to Kansas, she hopes to continue work in innovative ministries, reaching out to those who have experienced trauma and developing a worship experience which will incorporate creation care and outreach to the homeless and trafficked. Jennifer’s husband, David, is patiently waiting for her at home in Kansas with their Newfoundland, Molly. Their son, Matthew, is married to Rylie and works with David. Their daughter, Olivia, teaches first grade in Fort Worth, Texas. The whole family enjoys camping and hiking.
Sermons and Bible Studies
Estudio Bíblico: Propio 12 (A) – 2020
Génesis 29:15-28 En la historia de Jacob y Labán, el tramposo es engañado. Jacob, que robó la primogenitura de su hermano, es engañado para que se case con Lía, la […]
Estudio Bíblico: La Gran Vigilia de Pascua (A) – 2020
Éxodo 14: 10-31; 15: 20-21 En la historia de la división de las aguas del Mar Rojo, enfrentamos la violencia. ¿Por qué era necesario que tal violencia ocurriera en la […]
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