Daniela Lee

Daniela Lee is an Eastern European immigrant that has traveled from the Baptist world through the Lutheran world and ended up in The Episcopal Church. With her husband and two lovely kids, she likes to travel and stargaze. They currently live in Utah where they enjoy the two seasons, the dry air, and the beautiful landscape. Dani is passionate about evangelism and about how to live responsibly in the world.
Sermons and Bible Studies
Estudio Bíblico: Epifanía 3 (B) – 2021
[RCL]: Jonás 3:1–5, 10; Salmo 62:5–12 (= 62:6–14 LOC); 1 Corintios 7:29–31; San Marcos 1:14–20 Jonás 3: 1-5, 10 La profecía más corta de la Biblia y la más eficaz. ¡Una frase y toda la gran ciudad se arrepiente! Vemos en este texto que Jonás no quiere hacer esto, y ejerce el mínimo esfuerzo para […]
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