Cate Anthony
The Rev. Cate Anthony is a third-year Master of Divinity candidate at Yale Divinity School and is a transitional deacon in The Episcopal Church, ordained in the Diocese of Chicago. She grew up in Delaware and moved to New Haven after spending three years in Chicago, where she worked as a hospital chaplain. Following graduation and ordination, Cate hopes to start a ministry focused on reconciliation and restoration work, gathering disparate communities around a shared table. In her spare time, Cate is an aspiring master chef and soft-serve ice cream enthusiast.
Sermons and Bible Studies
Estudio Bíblico: Día de Todos los Santos (A) – 2020
Apocalipsis 7: 9-17 Si bien puede ser muy fácil para los cristianos modernos descartar el Apocalipsis como un texto apocalíptico excesivamente imaginativo, las implicaciones pastorales de la visión de Juan […]
Estudio Bíblico: Cuaresma 5 (A) – 2020
Ezequiel 37: 1-14 El profeta Ezequiel escribe a una comunidad en el exilio, una comunidad devastada por la desconexión de sus lugares y personas de origen. Ezequiel describe un sitio […]
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