Welcome to the new blog for The Episcopal Church and the United Nations

Welcome to the new blog and resource page dedicated to The Episcopal Church’s ministry with the United Nations (UN). While Episcopalians have been active at the United Nations since the beginning, it’s only been in the last five years that The Episcopal Church has made a concerted effort to build its presence at the UN. This resulted, happily, in an upgrade in its status in 2014 and a need for a virtual space dedicated to all things Episcopal Church and the UN.

This blog is a dedicated space providing information about what’s happening at the UN, especially in terms of The Episcopal Church’s involvement. You will find here resources from a wide variety of activities: UNCSW, UNPFII, International days and observances, the Sustainable Development Goals, and more. Guest bloggers will write about their experiences at the UN. All are welcome to contribute – simply use the contact form to let us know you’d like to participate.

As you follow what is happening at the UN and look to how you might participate, be sure to also visit our dedicated Facebook page and Twitter account. Simply click on the icons to the left to connect to these resources.

We hope you will enjoy this new page. Stop by often, and let us know how we can serve you in your ministry with the UN.