The United Methodist Church and The Episcopal Church: Where Are We Going?

At the United Methodist Church’s General Conference this spring, the denomination approved a resolution calling for full communion with The Episcopal Church. The 81st General Convention of The Episcopal Church adopted Resolution A049, as amended, which affirmed the continued dialogue and “joyfully anticipate[s] advancing towards full communion with The United Methodist Church.”
In a recorded video, Margaret Rose, the ecumenical and interreligious deputy to the presiding bishop, sat down with David Field, her counterpart for the United Methodist Church, to talk about where we are going from here. They discuss the resolution passed by the 81st General Convention, the work of the The Episcopal Church-United Methodist Church dialogue committee, the theological and practical challenges ahead, “apostolic succession,” and the crucial wisdom residing in the experiences of local ministries. To watch their conversation, click here.
To read a breakdown of our next steps, see “United Methodist-Episcopal Dialogue to begin next steps toward churches’ full communion,” published by Episcopal News Service this summer.