Presbyterian-Episcopal Dialogue Considers Local Oversight of Shared Ministry

In this, the fourth meeting in the third round of bilateral dialogues, the members met with Dr. Amy Plantinga Pauw, Henry P. Mobley Jr. Professor of Doctrinal Theology at the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and discussed her book, Church in Ordinary Time: A Wisdom Ecclesiology, to offer ecclesiological and theological frameworks and foundations to ecumenical dialogue. The members also continue to work toward offering a proposal for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly and The Episcopal Church’s General Convention to consider for the local oversight of shared ministry. The dialogue team hopes to have the proposal ready for study at the 2022 gatherings of both church governance bodies. The group will meet again Sept. 27-29, 2021, also via Zoom, to continue the work set out in their mandate.

Read the full Presbyterian-Episcopal Dialogue February 2021 communiqué here

Read about the meeting here