Ecumenical and Interreligious

Moravian Episcopal Racial Reconciliation Webinars

July 1, 2022
Ecumenical and Inter-religious Relations

The Racial Reconciliation Working Group of the Moravian-Episcopal Coordinating Committee is creating three webinars on the racial history of our two churches, to be aired the first three Wednesdays in November, 7-8:30 p.m., Eastern Time. The webinars will cover the precolonial-to-Civil War period, reconstruction to Jim Crow, and civil rights to the present.

Nov. 2: Evangelization of Enslaved People: Good News or Control? Nov. 9: The Silent Parade: Responses to Racial Violence and Black Leadership in the Church. Nov. 16: Urban Churches: Integration, Segregation, and White Flight.

The Racial Reconciliation Working Group is encouraging Episcopal and Moravian congregations to do Sacred Ground: A Film and Reading-based Dialogue on Race and Faith together, possibly with our Evangelical Lutheran Church in America full-communion partners. The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem will begin a second Zoom full-communion Sacred Ground series this September.

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