Milwaukee Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic Covenant

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Believing in the will of the Lord Jesus Christ “that all may be one,” mutually confessing the three ecumenical creeds, encouraged by our common worship and service, and spurred on by the people of God in the Greater Milwaukee Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, and the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milwaukee, on behalf of our respective communions, we, Bishop Peter Rogness, Bishop Roger J. White, and Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, make this joint affirmation and solemn covenant.

Together we affirm that

Unity is a gift which Christ has promised to all who seek to live by the guidance of the Holy Spirit according to the will of the Father,
Jesus Christ, The Savior and Lord of the world, is the living center of our faith,
New life in Christ comes through the grace of God and is nourished by the Word of God in scripture, by the sacraments, and by the Holy Spirit,
Jesus’ desire for the unity of his followers is a call to all Christians to work for unity in the Church.  We seek to make that unity more visible among us.
The diverse gifts and traditions of our Communions are blessings from God that will enrich a wider and fuller communion.
The positive results of our international, national, and regional theological dialogues move us toward our mutual goal of full communion.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome all obstacles that still exist in doctrine, sacramental life, and ecclesial structures so that the full unity of   God’s Church may be realized.
Therefore, celebrating the faithful initiatives of past and present church leaders in fostering church unity, we call upon the People of God in our respective synod and dioceses to join in this covenant, and we commit ourselves to the following actions.

To further the unity of Christ’s Church, we will

Pray regularly for one another’s needs and for the unity of our Churches, especially at public liturgies.
Sponsor prayer services, on, for example, The Feast of Pentecost, All Saints Day, at Thanksgiving, and especially during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Encourage the parishes and congregations of our dioceses and synod to seek suitable occasions for common prayer, worship, dialogue, and education leading to covenant relationships.
Work together for peace, justice, and the common good.
Generate shared lectionary and scripture studies.
Cooperate in providing preparation and support for ecumenical marriages.
Share formational and educational events and retreats.
Develop shared programs among institutions, chaplaincies, schools, and campus ministries.
Collaborate in planning for effective ministry at the synodical, diocesan, and parochial levels through their ecumenical and liturgical commissions and committees.
Support statewide and local Lutheran-Anglican-Roman Catholic (LARC) conferences.
Continue our dialogue in the spirit of the international and national dialogues as a way of promoting mutual understanding.
Strive toward the full realization of our unity by identifying and removing present obstacles while supporting and preserving our respective traditions.
Place no impediment to the cause of unity.
Review the goals and achievements of this covenant each year and renew the covenant at a joint service held annually.

We dedicate ourselves to these objectives, we promise to remain faithful to this covenant, and we pray for the continuing guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring us to an even deeper communion.

In witness whereof, we have set our hands this November 3, A.D. 1993, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Reverend Peter Rogness, Evangelical Lutheran Bishop of Milwaukee
The Right Reverend Roger J. White, Episcopal Bishop of Milwaukee
The Most Reverend Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B., Roman Catholic Archbishop of Milwaukee
The Reverend James P. Stein, Lutheran Ecumenical Representative
The Reverend Robert Coval, Episcopal Ecumenical Officer
Ms. Judith A. Longdin, Roman Catholic Ecumenical Officer

On the 10th anniversary of this Covenant agreement, we, Bishop Paul Stumme-Diers, Bishop Steven Miller, and Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan reaffirm its affirmations and objectives and promise to remain faithful to it.  In witness whereof, we have set our hands this October 26, A.D. 2003 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Reverend Paul Stumme-Diers, Evangelical Lutheran Bishop of Milwaukee
The Right Reverend Steven Miller, Episcopal Bishop of Milwaukee
The Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Milwaukee
The Reverend Steven Kuhl, Lutheran Ecumenical Representative
The Reverend Julian Hills, Episcopal Ecumenical Officer
Ms. Judith Longdin Roman, Catholic Ecumenical Officer

Transcribed in 2019 by Richard Mammana for the Episcopal Church Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations.