Ecumenical and Interreligious

Interns in the Ecumenical and Interreligious Office: An Introduction to Hank Jeannel

December 1, 2021
Ecumenical and Inter-religious Relations

I came to the Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations as an intern in January of 2020, my final year of college. I am now a second-year master of divinity student at Princeton Theological Seminary. As a seminarian, it is easy to look at the religious landscape and think, why, again, did I get into all of this? Often, I have to look no further for an answer than the content of these newsletters we put together.

One does not have to look far to see the extraordinary ways God is tearing down the walls we so easily put up, healing the brokenhearted, and strengthening us through one another.

We are so pleased to, once again, share some of the latest happenings in the world of ecumenical and interreligious relations with you. This news is a testament to the faithful work of so many people all over the world who are committed to the idea that disunity is something we must work against, even if that means starting anew each and every day.

What’s more, the dialogues, webinars, and digital devotions show that this work goes on even amid the uncertainty of the pandemic reality. Such faithfulness amid so many obstacles is certainly a sign that God is at work.

Though the world remains divided, though we are tired and often confused, I think we also inspire each other through the amazing work we all do. Our hope is that you continue to be inspired. And we thank you for all the ways you inspire us.


Hank Jeannel

Hank Jeannel is an intern for Team Beyond in the Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations, and a second-year M.Div. student at Princeton Theological Seminary.

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