From the Rev. Margaret Rose: Summer 2022

An Ecumenical Summer

In this June newsletter, we highlight recent and upcoming ecumenical and interreligious events. “It’s All About Love,” The Episcopal Church’s summer festival in Baltimore, offers workshops and preaching around creation care, racial justice, and evangelism—including two ecumenical and interreligious workshops which will bring these topics into multi-religious perspective. We celebrate a new staff member in our office as well as the ecumenical and interreligious work the Rev. Salmoon Bashir is doing as cathedral curate in Atlanta.

Dialogues continue apace. The Lutheran Episcopal Coordinating Committee has approved a “Proposal for Exchangeability of the Diaconate” based on our full-communion agreement, “Called to Common Mission.” The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has received the proposal, affirming that “a vital area for deepening our partnership is through diakonia or service.” A similar process for reception and affirmation is underway in The Episcopal Church. Programming from Religions for Peace as well as the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute’s Ecumenical Academy promise opportunities for education and outreach. A lot is happening and there is even more to look forward to. Perhaps we can declare that we are in an “ecumenical summer”!

Peace and blessings,

Margaret Rose