Episcopal Church-Presbyterian Church (USA) Dialogue Discusses “Episcopal-Presbyterian Agreement on Local Sharing of Ministries”

The third round of bilateral dialogues between The Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church (USA) held its winter 2023 meeting in Austin, Texas, both in-person and online. All sessions began with morning and evening prayer, with celebration of the Eucharist on Thursday.

Invited participants offered their perspectives and insights on the draft “Episcopal-Presbyterian Agreement on Local Sharing of Ministries” that was commended for study and feedback by the 80th General Convention (2022) of The Episcopal Church and the 225th General Assembly (2022) of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

The Rev. Canon Elise Johnstone (co-chair) said, “As I hear about the continued challenges that faith communities are dealing with because of sustained effects of the pandemic, because of economics, and the shifting sands of the 21st century, I am increasingly thankful for the relationship we have with our siblings in the Presbyterian Church (USA).  The potential we have of a local sharing of clergy with the oversight of the appropriate ecclesiastical authority could open up possibilities (alongside of the support of the diocesan bishop and staff, or on the presbytery leadership) for small, rural, urban, multicultural, college and other communities that are realizing they could live into being the Body of Christ more fully together–being a place of welcome for people from all backgrounds.  We have some partnerships that are already in existence, and I am hopeful that bishops who would wish to consider this option may be able to use this potential action to assist local communities as God is working through us in new and different ways.”

Read a communiqué about the bilateral dialogue here.