Ecumenical Acronyms

ACC Anglican Consultative Council
ACC Anglican Church of Canada
ACNA Anglican Church in North America
ACO Anglican Communion Office
AIC African Initiated Churches
ALERC Anglican-Lutheran European Regional Commission
ALIC Anglican Lutheran International Commission
ALICC Anglican-Lutheran International Coordinating Committee
ALJWG Anglican-Lutheran Joint Working Group
AME African Methodist Episcopal
AMEZ African Methodist Episcopal Zion
AOJDC Anglican-Orthodox Joint Doctrinal Commission
ARC-USA Anglican-Roman Catholic Consultation in the United States
BCP Book of Common Prayer (Anglican/Episcopal)
BEM Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (1982)
BoD Book of Discipline (United Methodist)
CADEIO Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers
CCC Catechism of the Catholic Church
CCM Called to Common Mission
CCT Christian Churches Together
CCUN Church Center for the United Nations
CFO Commission on Faith and Order
CICARWS Commission on Inter-church Aid, Refugee and World Services
CME Christian Methodist Episcopal
CMEP Churches for Middle East Peace
CoB Council of Bishops
COCU Consultation on Church Union
CSWCC Conference of Secretaries of World Christian Communions
CUiC Churches Uniting in Christ
CWA Churchwide Assembly (ELCA)
CWS Church World Service
DEIO Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officer
EAD Ecumenical Advocacy Days
ECOSOC Economic and Social Council (United Nations)
ECUSA Episcopal Church in the United States of America
EDEIO Episcopal Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers
EIR Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
ELCA Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCiC Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
EUB Evangelical United Brethren
GA General Assembly (Presbyterian)
GC General Convention (Episcopal)
GC General Conference (United Methodist)
GEII Graymoor Ecumenical and Interreligious Institute
HoB House of Bishops
IARCCUM International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission
IASCUFO Inter-Anglican Standing Commission on Unity Faith and Order
ICCC International Council of Community Churches
ICRC International Conference of Reformed Churches
IER Institute for Ecumenical Research (Strasbourg)
IKZ Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift
ILC International Lutheran Council
JDDJ Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999)
JES Journal of Ecumenical Studies
JLRCSC Joint Lutheran-Roman Catholic Study Commission
JOOCC Joint Orthodox-Old Catholic Commission
JPC Justice, Peace and Creation
LARC Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic
LARCUM Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic, United Methodist
LBW Lutheran Book of Worship
LCF Leuenberg Church Fellowship
LCMS Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod
LECC Lutheran-Episcopal Coordinating Committee
LEIRN Lutheran Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Representatives Network
LMCC Lutheran-Moravian Coordinating Committee
LRCUSA Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue in the United States
LWF Lutheran World Federation
MECC Moravian-Episcopal Coordinating Committee
MRCJC Methodist-Roman Catholic Joint Commission
NAAE North American Academy of Ecumenists
NAE National Association of Evangelicals
NALC North American Lutheran Church
NAPARC North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council
NCC National Council of Churches
NCCCUSA National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America
NEOA National Ecumenical Officers Association
NIFCON Network on Interfaith Concerns (Anglican)
NPC National Planning Committee (of the National Workshop)
NRPE National Religious Partnership for the Environment
NWCU National Workshop on Christian Unity
OAIC Organization of African Instituted Churches
OCA Orthodox Church in America
OCUIR Office of Christian Unity and Interreligious Relationships (United Methodist)
OGA Office of the General Assembly (Presbyterian)
PCA Presbyterian Church in America
PCID Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
PCPCU Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
PCS Porvoo Common Statement
PCUSA Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
PECUSA Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
PWR Parliament of the World’s Religions
RCA Reformed Church in America
RfP Religions for Peace
SBC Southern Baptist Convention
SCEIR Standing Commission on Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations (Episcopal)
SEIA  Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs (Roman Catholic)
SODEPAX Society, Development, and Peace (RC and WCC Joint Committee)
TCTCV The Church: Towards a Common Vision (2013)
TEC The Episcopal Church
TUMC The United Methodist Church
UCC United Church of Christ
UFO Unity Faith and Order
UMC United Methodist Church
UMEIT United Methodist Ecumenical and Interreligious Training
UNCSW United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
USCCB United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 
WCC World Council of Churches
WCRC World Communion of Reformed Churches
WEA World Evangelical Alliance
WMC World Methodist Council
WPCU Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
WRF World Reformed Fellowship