Creation Care, Climate Change, and Eco-Justice-Related Legislation

General Convention considered many pieces of creation care legislation, which were submitted by dioceses, committees, task forces, and other bodies. We have curated this list of the resolutions that were passed by both houses of General Convention. Please note: Budget requests in these resolutions will not necessarily be funded; final budget reconciliation will take place between September and November 2024. See Episcopal Church Budget Committee for more details. 

GC2024 – A021– Create a Care of Creation Loan Program for Episcopal Dioceses

GC2024 – A028 – Support for Freedom to Consider Ethical Issues in Investing.  

GC2024 – A029 – Divest from Fossil Fuels

GC2024 – A084 – Join The Anglican Communion Forest Initiative 

GC2024 – A098 – Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation

GC2024 – A099 – Task Force for Indigenous Justice to Increase Advocacy Groups Reflecting Creation Care and Environmental Justice Ministries

GC2024 – A167 – Water Rights for Indigenous Communities and Lands

GC2024 – B001 – Experimental Creation Care Language for the Baptismal Covenant  

GC 2024 – B002 – Build Eco-Region Creation Networks for Crucial Impact 

GC2024 – D008 – Protection of Water “Ola i Ka Wai – Water is Life” 

GC2024 – D029 – Commit to the 30×30 Initiative for Biodiversity

GC2024 – D030 – Create a Task Force in Imagining a Church Grounded in Creation Healing as Christian Ministry 

GC 2024 – D041 – Support the Adoption of an Ecumenical Feast Day of Creation in our Liturgical Calendar 

GC2024 – D050 – Resolution to Complete the Journey to Net Carbon Neutrality by 2030

We will be exploring these resolutions in more detail in this newsletter throughout the coming year. In the meantime, read more in this article by Episcopal News Service.

Categories: Creation Care