Domestic Poverty

The Olivera Family

February 24, 2016
Domestic Poverty

In August 2012, Teresa Olivera had been living at the Harford Family house for just over a year. When she arrived at the Jubilee Ministry site, she and her daughter had been living in their car for six whole months. Carrying in their bags of clothes, she knew a change was coming.

Teresa was exceptionally active as a resident, meeting with caseworkers and Steps to Independence class facilitators, learning both practical skills, as well as those “soft” skils which would hopefully ensure “that [clients] will never find themselves homeless again.” Skills taught through these classes included managing a budget, parenting, and having healthy relationships. As she progressed through the classes, Teresa found herself more and more capable; she is now employed full-time, qualifies and uses Rental Assistance, and has established good rental and credit history.

Because she no longer had to worry about shelter, Teresa was free to spend time planning her career and parenting her daughter. “Harford Family House took a lot off my mind,” she explains. Ryan McIntosh, a case manager at the House, says, “We are here to walk along side you. Ultimately, like Teresa has done, each resident takes on the responsibility to rebuild their future.”