Truth, Reconciliation, and Healing

Based on surveys completed by 72 dioceses, the Inventory of Racial Justice and Truth-telling Ministries details ministries of racial reconciliation, justice, and healing across The Episcopal Church. Researched and organized by the Racial Reconciliation and Justice Team in partnership with Justice and Sustainability Associates (JSA), the inventory provides an up-to-date picture of what ministries are happening and where, along with contacts and local resources. 

You are encouraged to read the report and familiarize yourself with the ways that dioceses, congregations, and institutions are pursuing racial justice and healing, and discover resources and contacts. Connect to communities that might learn from you, support and assist you, or collaborate with your efforts toward racial justice and truth and reconciliation. We urge you to continue this conversation within and beyond The Episcopal Church.  

2021 Inventory of Racial Justice and Truth-telling Ministries – The Episcopal Church

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