9 Days in Maryland – the Summer of (It’s All About) Love!

Two back-to-back joy-filled and reviving gatherings of Episcopalians in Maryland this summer proved that Charm City is charming indeed.

The Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) returned to the University of Maryland after a six-year pause due to the pandemic. Over 800 young Episcopalians from all over the world traveled to College Park for five days to worship, make new friends, and learn more about how the Jesus Movement can be advanced in our world.

Two days later in Baltimore, another 600 Episcopalians gathered to walk the Way of Love, taking part in the “It’s All About Love” festival for three full days of exploration and revival. Creation care, racial reconciliation, and evangelism centered the conversations and conference offerings. New friendships were crafted, and spirits were revived.

At both events, the Most Rev. Michael B. Curry preached! With his trademark smile and energetic preaching style, he got both the young people and the slightly older people clapping, cheering, and s inging “ Amen.”

Go Deeper
The Presiding bishop preaches at Episcopal Youth Event
The Presiding bishop preaches at “It’s All About Love”

Doing this work:
The Rev. Shannon Kelly, director of Faith Formation and officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries
Canon Myra Garnes, officer for Youth Ministries
The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, canon to the presiding bishop for Evangelism, Reconciliation, and Creation Care
Jerusalem Greer, manager for Evangelism and Discipleship

Read full August 2023 edition of “The Church in Action”