The Episcopal Church Office of Development works to support church ministries.
BLESS Appeal
Your gift to the BLESS Appeal supports Episcopal Church lay and clergy staff who are answering the call to restore all people to unity with God and one another and follow Jesus into loving, liberating, and life-giving relationships with God, each other, and the Earth.

The Episcopal Church at Work Newsletter
Sign up to learn more about the ministries of The Episcopal Church though our monthly newsletter. View the newsletter online here.

Did you know there are creative ways to support The Episcopal Church? Ways in which The Episcopal Church, you, and your loved ones can all benefit at the same time? Such giving options are called “planned gifts,” because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and for The Episcopal Church.
What We Do

Supporting God’s Mission
The Office of Development raises the financial resources to carry out God’s mission through our ministries. We engage with individual Episcopalians, parishes, and dioceses to connect them to work of the larger church, from Episcopal Migration Ministries to the Office of Government Relations.
Support Our Work
Your contribution is an affirmation in what we, as Episcopalians, believe: God loves you—no exceptions.

Ways to Give
Please make checks payable to The Episcopal Church, indicate the gift designation (e.g. Bless Appeal) in the check memo, and mail to:
The Episcopal Church (DFMS)
PO Box 958983
St. Louis, MO 63195-8983
Gifts of Stock
By donating appreciated stocks directly to The Episcopal Church, you can avoid the capital gains tax that would be incurred if you sold the securities. You may also take a charitable income tax deduction equal to the fair market value of securities on the day of the gift.
To make a gift of stock to The Episcopal Church, please fill out this form about the securities you plan to donate.
If you need any further assistance, email Julia Alling in the Development Office or reach out by phone at (212) 716-6041.
By Phone
Call April Frazier (212) 716-6002 and make your gift over the phone.