Wipf and Stock is Publishing the Journals of Brother Roger, Founder of Taizé

Brother Roger (Schütz, 1915-2005) gave a lasting gift of ecumenical monasticism to the world when he established the Taizé Community in Eastern France in 1940. Born a Swiss Protestant, Frère Roger (as he was always known) offered the community’s witness of unity and peace to war-torn Europe. It has since become an important center of Christian pilgrimage. Taizé has had a special ministry to young people, and its influence has been felt on the parish level throughout the Christian world through its distinctive style of worship and hymns. The community thrived under Frère Roger’s leadership until his tragic death in 2005 when he was attacked and murdered during worship in the monastic church. Frère Roger’s journals are in the process of being published in English, and Wipf and Stock released the first volume in December 2021. As the private reflections of a guiding figure for 20th-century Christianity, this publication is a landmark for readers around the world.

To check it out, visit https://wipfandstock.com/9781725297920/journals-of-brother-roger-of-taize/