Public Affairs

Episcopal Bishop Christopher Epting comments on the Vatican’s Apostolic Constit...

November 16, 2009

Committees, Commissions continue the work of General Convention

November 11, 2009

Episcopalians cite five goals for the future in Strategic Planning survey result...

November 5, 2009

Tell us your thoughts about the Episcopal Life Weekly Bulletin Inserts

November 2, 2009

Episcopal Church Center new structure: project-based, goal-oriented

October 22, 2009

Survey results add data to Episcopal Life Online redesign

October 22, 2009

From The Episcopal Church on the recent statement from the Vatican

October 20, 2009

Bonnie Anderson honored with two degrees in two days

October 9, 2009

President Anderson asks Executive Council: “Do we want to be raised up as Chur...

October 8, 2009

Presiding Bishop joins 200th anniversary celebration of historic Harlem church

October 5, 2009

Lynette Wilson Promoted to Editor/Writer of Episcopal Church’s New Quarterly Pu...

October 1, 2009

New ways available to give to The Episcopal Church

October 1, 2009

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori Joins anniversary celebrati...

September 23, 2009

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori joins call for Middle East ...

September 22, 2009

Episcopal Life Online wants to hear from you!

September 15, 2009

Office of Communication prepares publication options for diocesan, congregationa...

August 27, 2009

Interim positions announced while director search is suspended

August 11, 2009

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August 10, 2009
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