Grants & Scholarships
78 educational scholarships granted throughout Episcopal Church, Anglican Commu...
July 8, 2015
Domestic Poverty Ministry Grants announced
June 23, 2015
Applications now accepted for New Opportunity Grants for Native American progra...
June 15, 2015
2015 Conant Grant awardees announced
June 5, 2015
United Thank Offering 125th Anniversary Young Adult Grants awarded
May 11, 2015
Scholarship applications now accepted for Episcopal Church grants
March 27, 2015
Executive Council awards Episcopal Church Constable Fund Grants
January 12, 2015
Jubilee Ministry grants awarded for Episcopal Church programs and mission work
December 2, 2014
United Thank Offering provides special anniversary grants for young adults
December 1, 2014
Consider Applying for a Constable Fund Grant
November 6, 2014
Jubilee Ministry grants
November 6, 2014
Apply for an ECF Fellowship
November 6, 2014
Scholarship applications now accepted for Episcopal church grants
November 6, 2014
Se aceptan ahora las solicitudes para subvenciones de becas de la Iglesia Episco...
November 6, 2014
Applications now accepted for Episcopal Church Constable Fund Grants
November 6, 2014
Available Grant Funding To Support New and Creative Ministry
November 6, 2014
2015 United Thank Offering grant applications now accepted
November 3, 2014
United Thank Offering announces special anniversary grants awardees
October 27, 2014