Bulletin Insert: United Thank Offering Grants – November 10, 2024
Offering a new review process to help applicants, the United Thank Offering Board announces the opening of its 2025 annual grants process, with a focus on projects that address water issues. Applications are due by 5 p.m. ET Jan. 10 for initial review; changes can then be made to reviewed applications before final submission by 5 p.m. Feb. 7.

More information—including criteria for applicants, sample budgets and timelines, and helpful hints—as well as application and other forms are available online in English and Spanish. Instructional videos created by the grants committee are also posted online: https://unitedthankoffering.com/apply/.
In addition, applicants can register to receive one-on-one support during monthly open office hours on the following dates and links:
- Thursday, Nov. 14, 7-9 p.m. ET.
- Saturday, Dec. 7, 9-11 a.m. ET.
This is the final round of a three-year United Thank Offering grant focus on areas of ministry based on Matthew 25:31-46. The 2025 grant focus is water, based on Jesus’ words, “I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink.” The grants are designed to fund projects that increase water awareness and that address water issues, water needs of unhoused people, and health issues related to water quality.
The 2023 and 2024 United Thank Offering grants supported 42 projects related to the worldwide incarceration crisis and welcoming “the stranger.”
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