Weekly Bulletin Inserts

Bulletin Insert: Lent 1 (B) – Creation Care Grants – February 21, 2021

February 14, 2021
Bulletin Inserts

The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is now accepting applications for its 2021 Grant Cycle. Created by the 2018 General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is charged with supporting and expanding The Episcopal Church’s loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, with each other and with Creation. That year, the General Convention allocated funds to this task force to support local and regional eco-ministry efforts. This is the second and final granting process for this Task Force during this triennium.

“Through this grant program, we seek to support long-term ministries which focus on the inequitable and systemic impacts of environmental racism, regional and local ecojustice concerns and the pressing issues arising from the climate emergency,” noted the Rev. Stephanie M. Johnson, chair of the Task Force.

Successful applicants will submit projects that respond to these pressing justice matters by engaging in advocacy, civic engagement and developing climate resiliency. It is important that these proposals go beyond secular environmental work to provide resources for faith-based community organizing, theological reflection and response concerning the sin of environmental racism and reconciliation around the concept of environmental reparations. The Task Force is committed to supporting efforts which are supported and led by youth and young adults, communities of color and indigenous peoples. 

Grant awards will range from $15,000 to $40,000, ten or fewer projects will be funded. Grant proposals must have an impact beyond the applicant’s organization/parish and include at least one partner in accomplishing the granted project. Proposed programs or efforts should be those that could serve as models for other communities in different contexts. A proposal must also show significant financial or in-kind support provided by the applying entity, partner organizations, diocese, or another supporter.

“We are called to the gospel work of caring for God’s creation,” said the Rev. Melanie Mullen, director of Reconciliation, Justice, and Creation Care, “Doing climate justice and repairing the harms of environmental racism and degradation is part of our Jesus Movement commitment to the most vulnerable in every community. Creation Care grants are another way to recognize how parishes and dioceses to continue to be sources of innovation and reparative work in the world.”

The grant application, criteria, and additional information is available on The Episcopal Church website in English and Spanish: iam.ec/creationcaregrants. The application deadline is March 26th, 2021 at 5 PM EST. Questions can be directed to Phoebe Chatfield, associate for Creation Care and Justice, 347-712-0679.

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