Creation Care


These resources will help you to engage in loving formation, liberating advocacy, and life-giving conservation for the sake of God’s Creation. You may also connect, explore what is happening, and add your Creation Care ministry to the Episcopal Asset Map

Updates from the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, July 2022:

Summary of environmental measures affirmed at General Convention: as covered by the Episcopal News Service, with links to resolution text.

Summary of environmental measures affirmed at General Convention

House of Bishops Climate Statement: “Expressing the Mind of the House on Climate and Our Vocation in Christ” Passed by the House of Bishops during the 80th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, July 11, 2022.

Loving Formation: Teaching, preaching, worship and formation resources 

Seasons of Creation 2022: Renewing, repairing and restoring our commitments to God, to one another and to all of creation. Guide to participate in this global Season, from September 1 through October 4, 2021.

Creation Care and StorySharing: Learn to share your story of love for God’s creation and to listen for the stories of others. Episcopal Creation Care StorySharing Resource. 

Liturgical Resources for Honoring God in Creation English: Explore a host of liturgical resources for honoring God’s creation, from the Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music.

Creation Care Scriptures: Scripture passages with particular relation to the care of God’s Creation. 

Let’s Talk Faith and Climate: Communication Guidance for Faith Leaders: ecoAmerica’s tool for building a successful message on faith and climate.  

Building Faith: Backyard Scavenger Hunts and other Creation Care formation and activities for children by Virginia Theological Seminary. 

Let All Creation Praise: An ecumenical worship resource with preaching, lectionary and formation tools. 

Creation Justice Ministries Formation Resources: Christian education materials, prayers, bulletin inserts and more for Earth Day or all seasons. 

A Life of Grace for the Whole World: A Study Course on the House of Bishops’ Pastoral Teaching on the Environment.

A Catechism of Creation: An Episcopal Understanding: Written by the Episcopal Church Committee on Science, Technology and Faith in 2005 in a traditional question-and-answer format, like the “Outline of the Faith, or Catechism” in the Book of Common Prayer.

Liberating Advocacy: Eco-justice and environmental racism action and policy resources 

15 Steps To Create Effective Climate Communications: A summary of the 15 most effective communication strategies for discussing climate and justice in your community. 

The Episcopal Asset Map: The Asset Map will soon track climate impact in specific areas, in addition to detailing where Creation Care Ministries operate across the church.  

Office of Government Relations and Episcopal Public Policy Network: The Office of Government Relations is dedicated to helping Episcopal voices to shape federal policy, especially around the environment. 

Church Publishing Creation Care List: Environmental and Creation Care ministry guides and resources by Episcopal authors. 

Blessed Tomorrow: A coalition of diverse American faith leaders committed to walking more gently on the earth and inspiring others to lead on climate solutions, sponsored by ecoAmerica.  

Gwich’in Steering Committee: Leaders in the Gwich’in Nation protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska – its land, its wildlife and its people. 

Life-giving Conservation: Carbon Tracker and Resources for Reducing Climate Impact 

Moving Forward – A Guide to Building Momentum on Climate Solutions in Your Congregation and Community: A guide to reducing energy use, building resilient communities and supporting policies that lead to climate solutions. 

Genesis Covenant: A 2011 guide for reducing energy, saving money and caring for God’s creation, based on the church’s 2009 Genesis Covenant.

Episcopal Carbon Tracker: The Diocese of California has developed a carbon tracker for individuals and congregations to measure – and reduce – their impact on the earth. 

Blessed Tomorrow Carbon Offset Program: In collaboration with Cool Effect, ecoAmerica developed this custom model of carbon offset calculation for houses of worship. 

Partners and Organizations 

Anglican Communion Environmental Network: Anglicans and Episcopalians everywhere unite to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the earth.

Creation Justice Ministries: Educates, equips and mobilizes Christian communions/denominations, congregations and individuals to protect, restore, and rightly share God’s Creation. 

Diocese of California: Organizes the Carbon Tracker for the entire Episcopal Church, including equipping a community of Climate Champions.

Diocese of New Hampshire and Kairos Earth 

Diocese of Olympia, Bishop’s Committee for the Environment

Diocese of Washington, Environmental Network  

EcoAmerica: Dedicated to building institutional leadership, public support and political will for climate solutions in America, particularly among faith communities. 

Episcopal Camps and Conference Centers: Dedicated to formation and transformation of people of all ages, partly by nurturing our relationships with God, each other, and creation 

Episcopal Relief & Development: Facilitates healthier, more fulfilling lives in communities struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease, with a particular emphasis on climate. 

Green Anglicans: Also known as the Anglican Church in South Africa’s Environmental Network (ACSA-EN), Green Anglicans aims to support churches and dioceses in fulfilling God’s call to be Earthkeepers and to care for Creation.

GreenFaith: An interfaith partnership dedicated to inspiring, educating and mobilizing people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership. 

Interfaith Power and Light: Faithful stewards of creation who respond to global warming by promoting energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. 

Province I Stewardship of Creation

Province IV Environmental Ministries

Province V Creation Care Network

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Phoebe Chatfield

Associate for Creation Care and Justice

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