December 12: What Does Beloved Community Look Like?

In Christ there is no east or west,
in him no south or north,
but one great fellowship of love
throughout the whole wide earth.

-John Oxenham

This week we are proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community. This means sharing the good news of the Beloved Community; sharing our stories of growth and change, publically acknowledging our commitment to that dream, and continuing to listen to the stories of all of God’s children to see how we can do better. This is a week for conversation and sharing. You are encouraged to share your reflections to the following questions:

What does Beloved Community look like to you?

What are the barriers to Beloved Community in your community?

What are the things, past or present, done or left undone, which make becoming Beloved Community a challenge?

What is your personal commitment to this journey of becoming Beloved Community?  

Dear Lord,

As we continue our journey toward becoming Beloved Community, give us the strength to proclaim your dream far and wide. Help us to bravely acknowledge the ways we have fallen short of your dream and to make a new commitment to bringing your love to all.




Categories: Advent Reflections