Zachary Fletcher

Sermons and Bible Studies
Bible Study: Proper 14 (B) – 2018
2 Samuel 18:5-9, 15, 31-33 In this passage, Absalom, one of David’s sons, has rebelled against his father for the kingship of Israel, but this act of rebellion doesn’t change the fact that David still loves his son and doesn’t want him to be a casualty of the ensuing war. That’s why he says to […]
Bible Study: Easter 3 (B) – 2018
Acts 3:12-19 My first thought in this problematic passage is, “Oh dear, Peter goes from calling attention to the healed man to blaming this Jewish audience for Jesus’ death.” Living in a post-Holocaust era, we know where the evil of anti-Semitism can lead. We ask, why does Peter make that inappropriate—even offensive—leap when he says, […]
Bible Study: Advent 1 (B) – 2017
Isaiah 64:1-9 On this first day of the liturgical year, we remember who we are as God’s children, in total need of God’s mercy. In Isaiah, this reality points to an underlying theme of Advent: our collective hope that God would address our separation from him, “would tear open the heavens and come down” (v. […]
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