
Whitney Rice

Whitney Rice

The Rev. Canon Whitney Rice (she/her/hers) is an Episcopal priest who serves as the Canon for Evangelism & Discipleship Development for the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri. She is a graduate of Yale Divinity School, where she won the Yale University Charles S. Mersick Prize for Public Address and Preaching and the Yale University E. William Muehl Award for Excellence in Preaching. She has taught undergraduate courses at the University of Indianapolis and has contributed to Lectionary Homiletics, the Young Clergy Women’s Project journal Fidelia’s Sisters, and other publications. She has served as a researcher and community ministry grant consultant for the Indianapolis Center for Congregations and is currently a member of The Episcopal Church’s Evangelism Council of Advice. A communicator of the gospel at heart, she writes and teaches on a wide variety of topics, including rethinking evangelism, stewardship, leadership, women’s theology of the body, mysticism, and spiritual development. When she’s not thinking about theology, particularly the intersection of evangelism and justice work (which is all the time, seriously), you’ll find her swing dancing. Find more of her work at her website Roof Crashers & Hem Grabbers (

Sermons and Bible Studies

They Are Resurrected in Our Hearts, All Saints’ Day (B) – 2015

November 01, 2015

All Saints’ Day is one of the most underrated church holidays of the year. It is overshadowed by its more glamorous cousins, All Hallow’s Eve and Thanksgiving, similar to how […]

A Covenant Worth Our Lives, Lent 2 (B) – 2015

March 01, 2015

We human beings love our rules. The security that comes from knowing how things should be done comforts us in our chaotic world. God understands this about us, and so […]

Walk through Holy Week with Jesus, Palm Sunday (A) – 2014

April 13, 2014

What does it feel like to have less than a week to live? That’s the situation in which Jesus finds himself when he makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. The […]

The Power to Bind or Loose, Proper 18 A – 2014

September 07, 2014

Church conflict is nothing new. Sometimes people think there should be no conflict in church, as though by virtue of being Christians we can and should cover over all disagreements […]

New Life Stirring In an Old Stump, Advent 2 (A) – 2013

December 08, 2013

We encounter a strange image for the coming Messiah in our lesson today from Isaiah 11: “A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall […]

The Dishonest Manager in All of Us, Proper 20 (C) – 2013

September 22, 2013

Jesus is not making a whole lot of sense in our gospel today, at least at first blush. He tells the Parable of the Dishonest Manager, and people have beat […]

30 records

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