Wendy Dackson

Sermons and Bible Studies
In Miss Manners’ Guide…, Day of Pentecost (C) – 1998
In Miss Manner’s “Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior,” much is made of thank-you notes, especially thank you notes for wedding presents. One of her sample letters reads as follows: Dear Aunt Patience: Rhino and I are thrilled with the magnificent silver sugar shaker you sent us. It adds not only beauty and dignity to our […]
Children’s Books with Names…, Easter 3 (C) – 1998
Children’s books with names like One Fish, Two Fish; Red Fish, Blue Fish. Screen savers on our computers that pretend to be an aquarium. Long weekends in the north woods, on silent lakes waiting for the first nibble on the line, or sea stories about “the one that got away.” It seems like fish turn […]
Somewhere, Probably Around the Tenth Grade…, Lent 2 (C) – 1998
Somewhere, probably around the tenth grade, most of us learned about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in our American History class. And, somehow, most of us remember something vague about the “separation of church and state.” Well, the founders of this country would be appalled at how their noble ideas of religious liberty […]
In the Works of…, Lent 5 (B) – 1997
In the works of the best selling novelist Tom Clancy, there are a number of characters who appear in almost every story. For anyone who has read Clancy’s books, certain main characters come to mind: the mysterious CIA agent John Clark, White House Chief of Staff Arnie van Damm, FBI Director Bill Shaw, and, of […]
Fifty-Three Years Ago…, All Saints’ Day (B) – 1997
Fifty-three years ago, on All Saints’ Day, a requiem eucharist was celebrated for the Archbishop of Canterbury. To be sure, William Temple was one of the giants of Anglican Christianity in the twentieth century. During the thirty-five years between his ordination as deacon and his death at Lambeth Palace, Temple was a parish priest, headmaster […]
In Miss Manners’ Guide…, Day of Pentecost (B) – 1997
In Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior, much is made of thank-you notes, especially thank-you notes for weddings presents. One of her sample letters reads as follows: Dear Aunt Patience: Rhino and I are thrilled with the magnificent silver sugar shaker you sent us. It adds not only beauty and dignity to our table, […]
Fifty-Two Years Ago…, All Saints’ Day (A) – 1996
Fifty-two years ago, on All Saints’s Day, a requiem eucharist was celebrated for the Archbishop of Canterbury. To be sure, William Temple was one of the giants of Anglican Christianity in the twentieth century. During the thirty-five years between his ordination as deacon and his death at Lambeth Palace, Temple was a parish priest, headmaster […]
The Incident in John’s Gospel…, Easter 2 (A) – 1996
The incident in John’s gospel today is not the first one where Thomas goes and puts his foot in his mouth. Earlier, as Jesus was preparing for his arrest and death, he told the disciples, “You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas leapt in, saying, “Lord, we do not know […]
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