
Sunshine Dulnuan

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Sunshine Dulnuan is currently in her first year as a Master of Theological Studies student at Church Divinity School of the Pacific. Since she is under the Faculty Development Program of Saint Andrew’s Theological Seminary in the Philippines, she will return to teach Systematic Theology after finishing her studies. She loves ramen and one of her goals in life is to taste every kind of noodle soup in the world. 

Sermons and Bible Studies

Bible Study: Advent 2 (A) – 2019

December 09, 2019

Isaiah 11:1-10 It is interesting that the text offers a telltale expansive view of justice that includes all creation. The prophecy describes the peaceful cohabitation of the wolf and the lamb, the leopard and the kid, the calf and the lion, humans and snakes. Life against life is pacified. The language is rich with the […]

Bible Study: Advent 1 (A) – 2019

December 01, 2019

Isaiah 2:1-5 Power has always been portrayed as dwelling in high places. Thus, it is fitting for the prophet to envision Zion as the “mountain of the Lord,” the seat of divine sovereignty and judgment over nations. But can power reside in lowly places? Power attracts like a magnet, drawing in all kinds of people. […]

Bible Study: Proper 4 (B) – 2018

June 04, 2018

1 Samuel 3:1-10 (11-20) Samuel’s first prophecy was one of judgment. One could almost imagine the weight of God’s word to the young boy; his own teacher and master Eli will fall under God’s anger for condoning the sins of his sons. He felt so bothered by God’s words concerning Eli that he could not […]

Bible Study: Trinity Sunday (A) – 2017

June 12, 2017

Genesis 1:1-2:4a The stories of creation in the Bible are a few of the enigmatic and disputed narratives in history. Countless scholars and avid readers of the Scriptures have attempted to shed light on the meaning behind the Jewish version of the origin of human beings and the world as we know it. Amidst all […]

Bible Study: Advent 1 (A) – 2016

November 28, 2016

Isaiah 2:1-5 The great vision of Isaiah paints a vivid imagery of what Jerusalem would be: a place of refuge where nations flock and learn the truth. Undoubtedly, the passage is an articulation of Isaiah’s hope for peace in the midst of tumultuous times. One day, people would know the sovereignty of God and as […]

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