
Marshall A. Jolly

The Reverend Dr. Marshall Jolly is the 19th rector of St. Thaddeus Episcopal Church and president of Mead Hall Episcopal School in Aiken, South Carolina. He holds degrees in theology and other stuff from Transylvania University and Emory University and enjoys running, reading, and golf. He and his wife are looked after by Hambrick, their little nine-pound Himalayan cat with a huge personality.

Sermons and Bible Studies

More Than Fixing, Lent 2 (B) – 2018

February 25, 2018

Blessed Saint Peter: author of Scripture, first Pope, chief Apostle, teacher and defender of the faith, pillar of the Early Church, purported benefactor of the Gospel of Mark, and martyr. […]

How Is God Calling Us?, Proper 21 (A) – 2017

October 01, 2017

In March of 1979, a nonprofit organization by the name of the Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network was launched. It is better-known by its acronym: C-SPAN. The organization’s mission is to […]

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!, Easter Day (A) – 2017

April 16, 2017

We, the faithful in Christ, gather this morning, not just with our friends and families, but also with Christians around the world and across time, joyfully proclaiming what is perhaps […]

Digging into Our Certainty, Lent 2 (A) – 2017

March 12, 2017

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” Martin Luther called […]

What We Need From Christmas, Christmas Day (II) – 2016

December 26, 2016

For churches across the country, the month of December is devoted to preparation—not only the kind of spiritual preparation that Advent invites; but rather, practical planning: where (and when) to […]

Are We Ready to Hear the Truth?, Proper 10 (C) – 2016

July 10, 2016

On August 28, 1963, The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood before 250,000 people on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC and delivered what would become […]

Listening for God, Last Sunday in Epiphany (C) – 2016

February 07, 2016

In the coming week, churches around the world will undergo a transformation of sorts, as the liturgical calendar moves from the season after Epiphany to the season of Lent. Our […]

The Path of Discipleship, Proper 20 (B) – 2015

September 20, 2015

For much of Christian history, being identified as a “disciple of Jesus” has been considered high praise. The disciples, after all, were the handpicked group of followers who lived, learned, […]

Washed with Holy Love, Maundy Thursday – 2015

April 02, 2015

The disciples are gathered in the upper room for supper. Passover was beginning soon, and there was much work to be done. The air was tense – the disciples had […]

The Saints Beside You, All Saints’ Day (A) – 2014

November 02, 2014

“Glory to God and praise and love / be now and ever given / by saints below and saints above, / the Church in earth and heaven.” So concludes Charles […]

Things Like That Don’t Happen Anymore, Right?, Day of Pentecost (A) – 2014

June 08, 2014

Picture it: The disciples are gathered for worship, as was their custom. They’ve brought with them some bread and some wine, and perhaps some olives or a few pieces of […]

Washing in the Life-Giving Water, Lent 4 (A) – 2014

March 30, 2014

Lent draws the faithful – sometimes kicking and screaming – to a period of spiritual preparation and renewal in anticipation of the coming jubilance of Eastertide. Throughout the history of […]

26 records

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