
Kathleen L. Wakefield

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Sermons and Bible Studies

The Prophet Ezekiel Was Active…, Proper 9 (B) – 2006

July 09, 2006

The prophet Ezekiel was active, scholars think, from about 593 BCE to 571 BCE. This period encompasses the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and the exile to Babylon in […]

We All Remember the Story…, Epiphany 3 (B) – 2006

January 22, 2006

We all remember the story about Jonah being swallowed by a whale, but what we might have forgotten is why. This is the story: God asks Jonah to go to […]

Sometimes the Folks Who Put… Advent 3 (B) – 2005

December 11, 2005

Sometimes the folks who put the Lectionary—the lists of Sunday readings—together do a really wonderful job. Sometimes it’s questionable, as in August, but today it’s a perfect pairing. John the […]

The Unexpected, Proper 23 (A) – 2005

October 09, 2005

The readings this week from Exodus and the Gospel of Matthew are about the unexpected. In the story from Exodus, Moses has been up on the mountain for a long […]

I Give You a New Commandment…, Easter 5 (C) – 2004

May 09, 2004

[Y]ou shall love your neighbor as yourself… Leviticus 19:18 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love […]

There Was an Ad, Lent 2 (C) – 2004

March 07, 2004

There was an ad on TV the other night, another get-rich-quick scheme—something about how to make millions through real estate deals without having to work very hard. Doing things the […]

Ash Wednesday Marks the Beginning…, Ash Wednesday – 2003

March 05, 2003

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. On “Fat Tuesday,” or Shrove Tuesday, we (at least symbolically!) use up all the rich foods in our houses to ready ourselves for […]

We Are Winding Down…, Proper 28 (B) – 2003

November 16, 2003

We are winding down the church year. Next Sunday, the feast of Christ the King, is the last Sunday in our liturgical year. After that, we begin again with Advent. […]

How We Want…, Proper 24 (B) – 2003

October 19, 2003

Oh, how we want to be important! How badly, how desperately, we want to be favored, to be loved, to be special. How much we want Mom or Dad to […]

9 records

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