
James Liggett

The Rev. James Liggett is the retired rector of St. Nicholas’ Episcopal Church in Midland, Texas. He is a native of Kansas and a graduate of the University of Houston and the Episcopal Divinity School. He has served parishes in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma and has been a contributor to Sermons That Work since the 1980’s.

Sermons and Bible Studies

The Light of Christ, Christmas 1 – 2013

December 29, 2013

Have you ever noticed that when you get together with your family and start telling stories about when you were growing up or what happened years ago, the same events […]

Powerful Stuff…, Proper 15 (C) – 2013

August 18, 2013

Powerful stuff in today’s readings. Everybody seems to be on a tear; Jesus and Isaiah are full of wrath and judgment, and even the author of Hebrews slips out of […]

An Invitation to Intimacy with God, Holy Name Day – 2013

January 02, 2013

When we think about January 1st, usually, what comes to mind isn’t the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus – also know as the Feast of the Circumcision. Nonetheless, […]

God Gives Us Bread…, Proper 14 (B) – 2012

August 12, 2012

Let’s begin today with a familiar verse from Deuteronomy; it’s not in today’s lectionary readings, but it lies behind this whole series we’ve been hearing from John’s gospel. It also […]

That Same Grace Is Offered to Us, Epiphany 5 (B) – 2012

February 05, 2012

It’s a simple little story, but the reading we just heard from Mark is one of the most moving, and most challenging, parts of this gospel. It’s from the first […]

The Darndest Parable, Proper 23 (A) – 2011

October 09, 2011

Isn’t today’s gospel reading the darndest parable? The whole thing just sort of jerks along, and doesn’t quite work – especially when you get to the poor fellow who is […]

Jesus, Master…, Proper 23 (C) – 2010

October 10, 2010

“Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.” That’s a good prayer to know. The story of the ten lepers is really a story about life and death. It is really a […]

Let’s Look For A Minute…, Proper 7 (C) – 2010

June 20, 2010

[NOTE TO READER: Gerasene demoniac is pronounced JER-uh-seen de-MON-ee-ak] Let’s look for a minute at the story of the Gerasene demoniac; it’s about time somebody did. The story doesn’t get […]

Sometimes We Are So Familiar…, Proper 22 (B) – 2006

October 08, 2006

Sometimes we are so familiar with something that we don’t even notice it anymore. The little bit from the second chapter of Genesis that we just heard, and that we […]

Over Thirty Years Ago…, Trinity Sunday (B) – 2006

June 11, 2006

Over thirty years ago, Karl Rahner, one of the finest theologians of this century, lamented the fact that most Christians are “mere monotheists.” By this he meant that if the […]

Everybody Knows That Oysters…, Easter 7 (B) – 2006

May 28, 2006

Everybody knows that oysters sometimes make pearls; and that fascinating reality has been used to illustrate many a point. But here’s an old truth said in a new way, a […]

Simon Peter Replied…, Proper 16 (A) – 2005

August 21, 2005

Simon Peter replied, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for flesh and blood has not […]

60 records

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