
Helena L. Martin

Helena L. Martin is a Master of Divinity candidate at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale. She is passionate about the ways that prayer, community, and music call us into deeper relationship with God, ourselves, and one another. For fourteen years, she has been a Songwriting Master Teacher at YPI Creative Arts Camp, where she helps students discover their own voices through songwriting and performance. Helena is discerning her call to ordained ministry with the Episcopal Church in Connecticut and hopes to become a parish priest.

Additionally, after completing her MDiv, Helena plans to pursue further education and contribute to the growing field of Biblical studies’ intersection with disability studies. Her main interests in this area are the healing miracles in the Gospels and the body metaphors in the Pauline epistles. How have language and narratives in the New Testament affected the way Christians think about our bodies? How have these Scriptural elements reflected the way we think about people with physical differences and disabilities? Helena has been active in the disability community, most recently as a committee member for the Sibling Leadership Network. Outside school, she loves teaching and practicing contemplative prayer, spending time with family, and making music.

Sermons and Bible Studies

Bible Study: Proper 23 (C) – 2019

October 13, 2019

Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 Mention of King Nebuchadnezzar indicates that Jeremiah’s prophecy comes after the Israelites have to leave Jerusalem. Through Jeremiah, God offers instructions to God’s people, who are exiled from their promised home. While in exile, God will continue to help them prosper; their relationship is not severed by their relocation; God’s grace follows. […]

Bible Study: Easter 7 (C) – 2019

June 02, 2019

Acts 16:16–34 It is only after the apostles are thrown in jail that God rescues them with a dramatic earthquake. Why does God wait to free them until after they are beaten and persecuted? Why not save them before the trouble? Sometimes God doesn’t intervene on our timeline or in the way that we think […]

2 records

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