Greg Hamlin

Sermons and Bible Studies
Bible Study: Proper 22 (C) – 2016
Lamentations 1:1-6 For the people of Judah the fall of Jerusalem and exile must have been a shock. They lost the security that their great city provided. They lost all their possessions. They lost their freedom. Through it all they felt abandoned by God. Their theological understanding was that God gave them their economic and […]
Bible Study: Easter 3 (C) – 2016
Acts 9:1-6, (7-20) Here we have Saul in deep shock from his experience on the road to Damascus. We know that he will become one of the greatest persons of profound faith in God. But isn’t Ananias’ faith in God as shown in this story extraordinary? The Lord tells Ananias in a vision that Saul […]
Bible Study: Proper 26 (B) – 2015
Ruth 1:1-18 Naomi finds herself in a foreign land without any means of support. Her husband and two sons have died. At that time in history this situation meant a future of abject poverty and humiliation. The only hope for her daughters-in-law is to find new husbands. Naomi’s only hope is to return to her […]
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