
Brittany Sparrow Savage

Growing up, I was raised in the Church of the Nazarene. This denomination, being very mission-minded, introduced me to the love of G-d and the ways in which the Spirit moves. Sensing a call to ministry, I decided to attend Trevecca Nazarene University and majored in religion with a minor in pastoral ministries. After graduation, I married the fabulous Cameron, and we moved to Kansas City so that I could attend seminary at Nazarene Theological Seminary. During my time in seminary, I discovered the Anglican tradition. I fell in love with the ancient liturgies, their love for social justice, and above all the formation through prayer. I graduated from seminary in May of 2021, and I am finishing my Anglican Year at the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry. Many thanks are given to St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church for their mentorship and love. This blessed community has helped me find my church home and a place to rightly discern G-d’s call on my life.

Sermons and Bible Studies

Bible Study: Proper 9 (C) – 2022

July 03, 2022

[RCL] 2 Kings 5:1-14; Psalm 30; Galatians 6:(1-6)7-16; Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Editor’s Note: You will note that today’s author uses a convention common in some traditions for avoiding fully writing out the name, or in this case, a common substitute for the name, of the Lord. Generally, this spelling is used by writers who do […]

Bible Study: Epiphany 5 (C) – 2022

February 06, 2022

RCL: Isaiah 6:1-8, [9-13]; Psalm 138; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11 Editor’s Note: You will note that today’s author uses a convention common in some traditions for avoiding fully writing out the name, or in this case, a common substitute for the name, of the Lord. Generally, this spelling is used by writers who do […]

2 records

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