Youth Ministries
You can be a YASCer
From the YASC blog, One Holy Name. The Episcopal Church’s Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) will be accepting applications for 2013-2014 until January 4, 2013. The December 16 weekly bulletin […]
Young Adults Encouraged to Apply for World Council of Churches Stewards Programme
Young Christians from around the world are invited to apply to the World Council of Churches (WCC) Stewards Programme for a 3 week hands-on learning experience at the WCC 10th […]
Taizé in the Far West: 18 to 35 year olds apply now
On May 24th through 27th, 2013, 18-35 year olds from across the country will gather in Red Shirt, South Dakota, a tiny village at the edge of the Badlands on […]
In Central Africa, youth council to strengthen ‘backbone of the church’
The Church of the Province of Central Africa (CPCA) has appointed its first ever Youth and Children’s Council at a conference where young Anglicans were described as “the backbone of […]
Lenten Resources for Youth Ministries
I’ve just finished putting away my Christmas decorations so it’s difficult to believe that Lent is right around the corner. I receive emails from most major publishers with lists of […]
Episcopal Relief and Development Lenten Devotional Focuses on Hunger, Healing
Episcopal Relief & Development’s tenth annual Lenten Meditations booklets are now available in English and Spanish. PDF booklets and other Lenten resources can be found on Episcopal Relief & Development’s […]
Tragedy: Prayers, Guidelines and Resources
The news of the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, today have shocked the nation. As the story unfolded, often being corrected as the day wore […]
Great Partnership Examples from Episcopal Relief and Development
I got an email about this great project undertaken in partnership with Episcopal Relief and Development. These partnerships (with dioceses, churches, non-governmental organizations, donors and other people who support the alleviation […]
Occasionally I will post writings by youth, youth ministers and others across the Episcopal Church who have an important message to share. The posting below was written by Jeremiah Shipman, a […]
January 22 is National Faith Call-In Day
We’ve been praying and working for immigration reform, and now is our chance to make it a reality. On Tuesday, January 22nd, welcome the new Congress by making sure they know […]