Youth Ministries

Youth Ministries

Planning a Mission Experience

November 6, 2014

To help leaders prepare for mission experiences, we are incorporating a Youth in Mission Planning Timeline into the forthcoming Episcopal Youth in Mission Manual. Essentially, there are 3 key elements to every […]

Registration Opening for EYE14 Changed to January 6

November 6, 2014

In previous posts and documents, we have promoted a January 3, 2014 opening for registration for the Episcopal Youth Event 2014. The date for opening online registration for EYE14 is […]

EYE14 Pre-Conference to be Hosted by Diversity and Ethnic Ministries Team

November 6, 2014

In order to be intentional about supporting and fostering cultural and ethnic diversity at the triennial Episcopal Youth Event (EYE14), the Ethnic Missioners from the Diversity and Ethnic Ministries Team are […]

Still Fine Tuning the EYE14 Registration Process

November 6, 2014

Greetings in Epiphany! Today is the much anticipated day that we planned to open registration for the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE14) and 3 Days of Urban Mission. We are still working […]

EYE14: Liturgy & Music Committee report

November 6, 2014

by Thomas Alexander, EYE14 Mission Planning Team, Liturgy & Music Committee member  I love working with the Episcopal Youth Event Liturgy & Music Committee. We are all so different, literally […]

Lesson Plans, Special Offering for Diocese of Haiti on Earthquake Anniversary

November 6, 2014

In recognition of this Sunday, January 12, 2014 as the fourth anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti, my colleague, Shannon Kelly, posted the following article today on the EpiscoLifelong […]

EYE14: 3 Days of Urban Mission Q & A

November 6, 2014

3 Days of Urban Mission will be held July 13 – 16, 2014 and is open to Episcopal Youth Event 2014 (EYE14) participants. Here are a few common questions we are […]

Registration Guidelines for EYE14

November 6, 2014

I am writing this blog post on the train to Philadelphia with several adult members of our Episcopal Youth Event 2014 (EYE14) Mission Planning Team to tour our event venue, Villanova […]

Discerning Your Mission Experience or Pilgrimage Site

November 6, 2014

You know you are called to a Mission Experience or Pilgrimage….but where? Knowing where to serve can be one of the most daunting aspects of planning. Either the scope of […]

Faith Formation Academy to Offer Certification in Youth & Family Ministry

November 6, 2014

Today’s guest blogger is Randall Curtis. Randall is the Ministry Developer for Young Adults and Youth in the Episcopal Church in Arkansas. He also served as our resident tech expert at EYE11. Just last […]

228 records

Canon Myra Garnes

Officer for Youth Ministries

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