Young Adult and Campus Ministries
UNCSW 2010: Translating a Smile
At this point in our week, I feel so physically and emotionally drained. I have forgotten what “well rested” felt like. I just want to take in as much as […]
UNCSW 2010: Go Out and Set the World on Fire
As I’m writing this, I’m listening to Peter Gabriel’s song “Biko”. The lyrics describe my feelings about the UN CSW well: “You can blow out the candle, but you can’t […]
UNCSW 2010: A Prayerful Week of Learning
My favorite encounter each day is the interaction with other people from other countries. Sometimes good and sometimes maybe not so good. But the encounters in and of themselves is […]
UNCSW 2010: Just the Facts (Digest Later)
by Keji Fatunde, Diocese of Michigan Today and yesterday, I got to meet with each one of the delegates on their own terms. And it was amazing!!! It was really […]
UNCSW 2010: Facing the Body
by Andrea Bardelmeier, Diocese of New Jersey Wednesday, March 03, 2010- Our fifth full day at UNSCSW. I woke up from a Tylenol PM induced sleep this morning after spending […]
UNCSW 2010: The Difference that Christ Makes
by Ruth Lindsay, Diocese of Arizona I have been involved in secular activism for quite a few years. Passionately political and ardently feminist, I have struggled throughout my young adulthood […]
UNCSW 2010: Amani Iwe Nawe
by Brede Eschliman, Diocese of Connecticut The best part of my day (other than the meeting the presiding bishop, which was incredible) was an unexpected conversation. We had a debriefing […]
UNCSW 2010: Episcopal young adults at UNCSW look to create a new Beijing
by Karen Longenecker(originally posted on on March 12, 2010) In 1995 women from all over the world traveled to Beijing for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. […]
Why Serve 2010: What's color got to do with it?
Jason Sierra is based in the Seattle Office of the Episcopal Church Center. With Pentecost behind us and moving into the endless green of Ordinary Time, the summer programming […]
UNCSW 2010: Ecumenical Young Adults
Filed under: UNCSW