Young Adult and Campus Ministry

Young Adult and Campus Ministries

Appalachian State University

November 10, 2014

  The Rev. Beth Turner talks about moveable feasts and a new “community design” project in the Diocese of Western North Carolina. Read more about the Diocese of Western North Carolina’s work with young adults Read more about FTE’s Vocation Care Practices Filed under: Uncategorized

Interfaith Progressive Dinner

November 10, 2014

One of the annual traditions at UC Davis is to have an Interfaith Progressive Dinner each November.  Held the week before Thanksgiving, it gives students the chance to come into four different ministry centers: CA House (Methodist, Presbyterian, and UCC ministry), Hillel, the Islamic Center, and the Belfry (Lutheran and Episcopal) – my ministry.  At each […]

Episcopal Campus Ministry Leaders Gather

November 10, 2014

Do you know who your Provincial Coordinator for Campus Ministry is? Tasked with advising, resourcing, connecting and advocating on behalf of campus ministers, they are indispensable to the Campus Ministry Network of the Episcopal Church…and they’re volunteers. Every November, Episcopal Young Adult and Campus Ministries gathers the Provincial Coordinators for Campus Ministry in New York […]

4 years later…

November 10, 2014

In October of 2008, I was just beginning my first full year of ministry as Campus Chaplain at UC Davis.  And we were in the home stretch of the election.  It seemed as if politics were everywhere on campus.  The various campaigns were represented on campus each day, political signs, t-shirts, bumper stickers were pervasive.  […]

Three Students

November 10, 2014

Check out this short video about a few of the students at Rockwell House!  We had a lot of fun making this!     Filed under: Uncategorized  

Christian Mission in the 21st century

November 10, 2014

Some reflections and resources from the Rev. Greg Bezilla, Chaplain at Rutgers State University of New Jersey and Campus Ministry Coordinator for Province II. Please share the links and feel free to comment and begin some conversation. Below are more than seven resources for understanding better the changing context of ministry with emerging and young adults […]

Digital Disciple

November 10, 2014

“Remember, we can’t separate the danger from the opportunity; we can only hope to trend toward the opportunity while trying not to ignore the nature of the danger.” This morning as I ate breakfast I put aside my computer and phone and picked up an honest to God, paper and ink book. I had only […]

Fall 2013 Report on Young Adult and Campus Ministries

November 10, 2014

As Executive Council prepares to meet, each office of the Episcopal Church submits a report on their activity during the previous quarter. As Team Leader for the Office of Formation and Vocation I prepare the report, which includes activities in involving Young Adults and Campus Ministries. As you know, the Young Adult and Campus Ministries […]

Where Tomorrow Meets Today: Expanding the Future of Young Adults & the Church

November 10, 2014

Today we welcome guest blogger Teresa B. Pasquale. Teresa is a trauma therapist, yoga teacher, “crooked mystic,” and 18-30’s spirituality program leader within the Episcopal tradition. Teresa is involved with planning the “Where Tomorrow Meets Today” conference in Ft. Lauderdale next February. The Question Who are young adults? What do they like? What do they believe in? […]

Water and the West: An EcoJustice Immersion Experience for Young Adults

November 10, 2014

When: November 1-3, 2013 Where: Cathedral Ridge, Woodland Park, Colorado Cost: $200, including lodging, food, and transportation during the event (transporation to and from the event are on your own) In the Christian story and our earthly pilgrimage, water is a source of life and an instrument of death. We are born into new life in […]

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