
Scripture(s) / scripture(s)

April 18, 2023

Capitalize when referring to writings in the Bible. The movie contained many Scripture references. We will turn to the Scriptures for guidance. Lowercase when referring to sacred writings of a religious group: the Hindu […]

same-sex marriage

April 18, 2023

See gender and sexuality references


April 18, 2023

In a title or as a proper noun, the abbreviation “St.” is preferred.  For parishes named after a saint, the saint’s name takes an apostrophe: St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church, St. James’ […]


April 18, 2023

Capitalize the proper names used for a sacramental rite that commemorates the life of Jesus Christ or signifies a belief in his presence: the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, Holy Eucharist. Use […]

Rule of Life

April 18, 2023



April 18, 2023

Use “the Rev.” before a name on first reference for a priest or minister. On second reference, use last name. Capitalize “the” only if used at the start of a […]


April 18, 2023


religious titles

April 18, 2023

See titles: clergy and religious

religious references

April 18, 2023

See capitalization: guidance for religious references  


April 18, 2023

Do not hyphenate double-e combinations with re-, such as reengage, reestablish, reemerge, reenact.

178 records