Spell out the names of states except in postal addresses and in lists. Commas should set apart the name of the city and the state: She lives in Portland, Oregon, with […]
One word (n. and adj.), no hyphen.
standing committee
Lowercase unless part of an official name. The diocesan standing committee reviewed the proposal; the Joint Standing Committee on Racial Reconciliation will meet next week; the Standing Committee of the Episcopal […]
Lowercase the season. The spring term will include special speakers on Wednesdays. The retreat was held in spring 2022.
socioeconomic references
slaves / enslaved people
See race-related and ethnic references
Hyphenate noun and adjectival forms; use two words as a verb. The sign-up forms are on the website. Sign up for the webinar online.
Sept. 11
Term to describe the attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. Use the year for clarity if needed. Also acceptable is 9/11.
Twice a year (synonymous with biannual). Don’t confuse with biennial, which means every two years.
Lowercase spring, fall, winter, summer.