World War I, World War II
World Health Organization
The acronym WHO can be used on second reference.
Word / word
Capitalize only when used as a synonym for Christ; lowercase in other uses. The Word became flesh and dwelled among us. This study will provide resources to explore the riches of […]
woman / women
See gender and sexuality references: female
Lowercase. The podcast will launch in winter 2024.
Capitalize and hyphenate.
wide / -wide
No hyphen. Examples: worldwide, nationwide, citywide, industrywide.
Who / whom
“Who” is a pronoun used as the subject of a sentence; “whom” is a pronoun used as the object of a sentence. When in doubt, remember that “whom” and the pronoun “him” […]
White / white (adj)
Uppercase and use as an adjective, not noun, to describe race: The study showed that White participants found the curriculum extremely helpful. Lowercase when referencing racist actions or terms: white supremacy, white supremacists. (Note: The […]