Racial Reconciliation

“Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”

Racial Reconciliation

Nebraska Proves Fertile Soil for Sacred Ground

November 23, 2022

By Noelle Ptomey and Lesley Dean Known by some as a flyover state, Nebraska is worth a look to see how to imbed Sacred Ground in a conservative-leaning culture.  Located […]

From the Becoming Beloved Community Grant Community: MORE Justice

November 23, 2022

By Dianna LaMance Deaderick MORE is deepening relationships across racial, language, faith, and socioeconomic lines in Columbia, South Carolina, so people can “Do Justice” together.  MORE Justice is a grassroots […]

Creating Space for Christ and the Neighbor

November 23, 2022

By Christopher McNabb Episcopal Migration Ministries has resettled more than 100,000 refugees and asylum seekers, helping them to find a home and find hope. I still remember my very first […]

Sharing Sacred Teachings to Heal Mother Earth

November 23, 2022

By Mary Crist This is the time for us to hear the voices of Indigenous Episcopalians in order to heal the Mother Earth and her people. Indigenous peoples and Episcopalians […]

Sacred Ground: Transformation on the Journey 

October 18, 2022

By Mark Edwards and Avril Barker The website for St. John’s Episcopal Church, Norwood Parish, Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Maryland, proclaims, “Everything we do at St. John’s is done through the lens […]

From the Becoming Beloved Community Grant Community: New Frontiers in Camden

October 18, 2022

By Mark Smith While St. Paul’s Episcopal Church has been serving the homeless and marginalized neighbors in downtown Camden, New Jersey, for four decades, the COVID pandemic represented a particular […]

Leading toward Beloved Community in Mississippi

October 18, 2022

More and more Episcopalians in Mississippi are striving for God’s just future. Recognizing this holy movement, the Rt. Rev. Brian Seage of Mississippi created a new position to further engage […]

The Sacred Act of Protecting the Vote

October 18, 2022

By the Rev. Melanie Mullen, Director for Reconciliation, Justice and Creation Care In my grandmother’s big Bible—you know the BIG ONE that many grandmas have—she had a manila folder filled […]

Hau Mitakuyepi (hello, my relatives)

September 8, 2022

By the Rev. Shaneequa Brokenleg Hau Mitakuyepi (hello, my relatives),   The summer is coming to a close, and soon fall will be upon us.  As schools come back in session […]

Sacred Ground and General Convention Resolutions

September 7, 2022

By Jayne Osgood The Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention in Baltimore this summer seems to have been a glorious celebration of beloved community! As the last BBC newsletter headlined, “We […]

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