Racial Reconciliation

“Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”

Racial Reconciliation

Kids Need Us to Talk About Race

October 16, 2023

By Jennifer Enriquez Kids everywhere are returning to school, and as parents we hope that they get the education they need to help them succeed in life. Everyone agrees math […]

Looking Back at Hispanic Heritage Month and Coming Out Day

October 16, 2023

By the Rev. Miguel Bustos I love this time of year.  The fall has always been a time of reflection and celebration. From Sept. 15 through Oct. 15, we celebrated […]

Transforming Our Community

September 6, 2023

By the Rev. Shaneequa Brokenleg What does love mean to you?   In Lakota there is almost no direct translation for “I love you.”  Instead, many say, “techihila.” “Thehi” means to suffer […]

The Spirit Moved at “It’s All About Love”

September 6, 2023

By Nick Gordon “It’s All About Love” was the first churchwide opportunity for a portion of the community of people who have taken and stewarded the Sacred Ground curriculum to […]

Thoughts and Reflections

September 6, 2023

By the Rev. Miguel Bustos Name the biggest overall lesson you’ve learned throughout the festival.  The biggest takeaway from the festival was the clarity in which to be a follower […]

It’s All About Intersectional Love

September 6, 2023

By the Rev. Melanie Mullen What does love mean to you? “Love is what justice looks like in public,” and seeing Episcopalians doing ministry of repairing the breach and proclaiming […]


September 6, 2023

By Jerusalem Greer  What does love mean to you?   Love is a tricky word in our culture because we humans tend to infuse it with both our desires and our prejudices. […]

Take a Risk for Love

September 6, 2023

By the Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers  Earlier this spring, April 7 according to the scribble at the top of my journal page, I wrote about why “It’s All About Love” mattered, why […]

Sacred Ground and Pilgrimage

June 15, 2023

By Barbara Van Cleve By most people’s standards I had a very good education, but it took only one session of Sacred Ground for me to recognize that my excellent […]

Becoming Beloved Community in the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon

June 15, 2023

By Amy Jayne This story of justice and restoration begins at Ascension School Camp and Conference Center, the spiritual center of the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Oregon. From time immemorial, the […]

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