The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

United Thank Offering young adult, seminarian grants awarded for 2019

March 6, 2019

At its February 2019 meeting, the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church approved United Thank Offering (UTO) grants for five young adults and one seminarian. The focus of the 2019 […]

Reclaiming Jesus Leaders Call Nation to Repentance

March 6, 2019

As many in the Christian faith begin to observe Lent, the Reclaiming Jesus elders are renewing their call to Christians to remain steadfast in their faith and engage with the […]

An invitation to ‘Take the Pledge’ and care for God’s creation

March 5, 2019

Episcopal Church scholarship applications for the 2019-2020 academic year are now accepted

March 1, 2019

Applications are now being accepted for educational scholarships from The Episcopal Church for the 2019-2020 academic year. The scholarships are derived from annual income of designated trust funds established by […]

Episcopal, Anglican women gather in NYC for 63rd annual UN Commission on the Status of Women Meeting

February 28, 2019

Walking Together from Jericho to Jerusalem: Executive Council opening remarks from the President of the House of Deputies

February 27, 2019

Presiding Bishop Curry’s opening remarks at Episcopal Church Executive Council meeting

February 27, 2019

The Episcopal Church Announces Launch of Together Again/Juntos de Nuevo: Cuba Pensions Campaign

February 27, 2019

Jerusalem Greer named staff officer for evangelism

February 26, 2019

The Episcopal Church’s ministry of evangelism has taken a major step forward with the hire of Jerusalem Greer, of Greenbrier, Arkansas, as the staff officer for evangelism on the Presiding […]

New Translations of the BCP into Spanish, French and Haitian Creole

February 26, 2019
2829 records