Office of Public Affairs
The Theology of Gratitude: Scholars Conference
March 18, 2020
Register now to participate online The United Thank Offering (UTO) and Bexley Seabury are moving The Theology of Gratitude Conference online in order to ensure the health and safety of […]
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Word to the Church: Holy Week and Easter Day 2020 Online worship supported and encouraged
March 17, 2020
A Word to the Church Regarding Ordinations and Consecrations of Bishops from the Presiding Bishop
March 17, 2020
Habits of Grace: An invitation for you, from Presiding Bishop Curry
March 16, 2020
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s sermon from Washington National Cathedral live-streamed Eucharist
March 16, 2020
Diocese of Georgia notified of successful canonical consent process
March 16, 2020
Episcopal Church House of Bishops March 2020: Presiding Bishop’s opening message, March 10, 2020
March 13, 2020
Release of this statement was intentionally delayed, providing space to share Bishop Curry’s messages related to COVID-19.
Notification Regarding Churchwide/DFMS Sponsored Meetings
March 13, 2020
Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations releases Public Health and Policy Advocacy Document related to the coronavirus
March 13, 2020
In response to the spread of the coronavirus in the United States and around the world, The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has released a Public Health and Policy Advocacy […]
A message from Presiding Bishop Curry related to worship changes during a public health emergency
March 12, 2020
Statement of the Presiding Bishop to the House of Bishops