Office of Public Affairs
Habits of Grace, June 16, 2020: In this month of June
As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I […]
The Episcopal Church invites participation in Good News Gardens
Join the movement to Plant, Pray, & Proclaim! What can people do in this moment? One new and sacrificial act of love is to commit to planting more, praying more, and […]
Registration open for upcoming session of Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency course — August 10-14, 2020
Registration is now open for a special Virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course (VELMC), an innovative five-day intensive course designed for diocesan staff, clergy, lay leaders, and seminarians to gain […]
Update regarding DFMS offices, staff travel and sponsored meetings during the coronavirus pandemic
Media Advisory: NOTICE OF HEARING – The Rt. Rev. William H. Love, June 12, 2020
The Title IV Hearing Panel appointed by the President of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops in the matter concerning the Rt. Rev. William H. Love, Bishop of Albany (Respondent), will […]
Episcopal Church Executive Council: opening remarks from the President of the House of Deputies
Episcopal Church Executive Council: opening remarks from the Presiding Bishop
United Thank Offering presents the Inaugural Great EpisGOpal Race!
The United Thank Offering (UTO) invites all to support the 2020 Ingathering by joining them in gratitude, grabbing a pair of sneakers, and racing YOUR way in the Great EpisGOpal […]
The following letter invites everyone in The Episcopal Church to participate in a survey about sexual misconduct in the denomination
Responses requested by: July 1, 2020