The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs

Applications accepted for Episcopal Church Chief Legal Officer

July 7, 2020

The Episcopal Church is accepting applications for the position of Chief Legal Officer. Major, Lindsey, & Africa has been engaged as the search firm for this position. The Chief Legal Officer will […]

Habits of Grace, July 7, 2020: The growing edge

July 6, 2020

As we learn how to adjust our lives given the reality of the coronavirus and the request to do our part to slow its spread by practicing social distancing, I […]

Media Advisory: Episcopal Church Executive Council to meet virtually July 22, 2020

July 6, 2020

An invitation to join “Beijing +25: Celebrating the Blessing, Realizing the Dream” online study group

June 29, 2020

United Thank Offering 2021 Annual Grants – Two grant cycles offered

June 29, 2020

Application deadlines: August 14, 2020 and February 26, 2021 The United Thank Offering (UTO) Board is pleased to announce the availability of their 2021 United Thank Offering Annual Grants. These […]

Season of Creation, September 1 – October 4, 2020 Devotions offered by four leaders

June 29, 2020

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry and the leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in […]

Beloved Community “Rapid-Response” Grants available

June 19, 2020

Applications accepted June 19 – August 15, 2020

The Episcopal Church encourages support of the Dream Act

June 19, 2020

United Thank Offering: More than $1 million awarded in 2020 for Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion mission and ministry and young adult, seminarian grants

June 17, 2020

At its June 2020 meeting, the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church approved United Thank Offering (UTO) grants to support seven Young Adult and Seminarian grants, as well as 26 […]

Third season of The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry podcast continues with guest Richard Rohr

June 15, 2020

Season 3 of The Episcopal Church’s podcast The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry, is now available. These weekly conversations, featuring Bishop Curry, podcast host Sandy Milien, and a variety of […]

2799 records